BoroLogoWE ALL BENEFIT BY CONSERVING WATER    sh-gogreen-logo-solid





The Borough of Stone Harbor Go Green Committee would like to remind all homeowners of the Mandatory Water Conservation Ordinance in Effect which limits Irrigation usage within the Municipality


The following irrigation schedule is in effect and is monitored by

The Borough of Stone Harbor Utilities Department:


North of 96th Street may water

Monday, Wednesday, Friday


South of 96th Street may water

Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday



No More than 30 Minutes per Zone


Violations to this MANDATORY Schedule will result in monetary fines.  Chapter 542-25 E(1)


 Minimize Watering Outdoors

¨ Choose Native Plants Indigenous to the Area

¨ Add a layer of 1”-2” of mulch to help retain water

¨ Adjust Lawn Mower Blades to 3 inches

¨ Water dry spots by hand

¨ Use drip irrigation for shrubs and beds

¨ Check timing of Smart Irrigation Systems routinely which can be altered due to power outages, battery failure or adjustments

¨ Obey Watering Restrictions Established by the Borough of Stone Harbor (Ord#1439 )

Your landscape service needs may change over time ~ Efforts completed by your irrigation specialist to ensure that your lawn & garden become more sustainable will reduce water consumption resulting in a savings to your quarterly water utility billing.

Irrigation Association Professional ~ An IA Certified Professional understands the latest irrigation technology and techniques and shares a Commitment to sound water management and sustainable solutions.



The controller controls the Irrigation System, but YOU control the controller!!