sustainable jersey logoThe Borough of Stone Harbor has been Awarded

“Bronze Certification”

The Borough of Stone Harbor has met the rigorous requirements to achieve Sustainable Jersey certification.  Our town is now one of the 152 towns out of 419 participating municipalities that have attained bronze certification.

To become Sustainable Jersey certified, Stone Harbor’s Go Green Committee submitted documentation to show it had completed a balance of the required sustainability actions, meeting a minimum of 150 action points to be certified at the bronze level.

“Becoming Sustainable Jersey certified is a significant achievement,” said Pam Mount, chair of the Sustainable Jersey Board of Trustees. “The certified towns demonstrate tremendous leadership and are a testament to how much we can accomplish with impressive sustainability initiatives in New Jersey.”

The Borough has excelled in areas such as improving energy efficiency and health and wellness, reducing waste, sustaining local economies, protecting natural resources, and addressing diversity and equity.

The Go Green Committee’s goal is to provide information and educate our community on the importance of preserving our natural resources.

Stone Harbor Borough has been selected to receive a 2014-2015 Sustainable Jersey Small Grant in the amount of $2,000. The grant money received is intended to assist the Go Green Committee as they lead and coordinate the sustainability activities within our community.