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Information Pertaining to Property Tax Bills

August 4, 2022

The Borough of Stone Harbor is currently in the process of mailing property tax bills to property owners. You may notice a slight increase in your tax bill, even though the Borough did not increase Stone Harbor’s local municipal tax rate.

Your tax bill includes Stone Harbor’s local municipal tax, in addition to local school and County taxes. The Cape May County budget was increased this year, so consequently the cost of that increase affects all property owners.

The grace period for payment of your third quarter property taxes has been extended to August 29th, 2022.

Information Pertaining to Property Tax Bills2023-02-23T14:22:18-05:00

Murphy Administration Encourages New Jersey Residents And Businesses To Conserve Water

July 26, 2022

Contact: Lawrence Hajna (609) 984-1795
Caryn Shinske (609)292-2994


(22/P033) TRENTON – The Murphy Administration today asked residents and businesses to conserve water as the state continues to experience a persistent period of hot and dry weather.

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is responsible for monitoring and protecting the state’s water supply to ensure ample clean, safe water for drinking and other needs. DEP’s Division of Water Supply and Geoscience has been closely monitoring the drier than usual conditions this summer.

While these conditions have not significantly impacted drinking water supply indicators statewide, persistently hot and dry conditions could adversely affect water supplies. It is important that residents and businesses take proactive steps to help moderate their use of water to help ensure ample supplies throughout the summer.

“Now is the time for New Jersey to be especially mindful of water usage and proactively moderate our consumption,” said Commissioner of Environmental Protection Shawn M. LaTourette. “Although our reservoirs and other indicators are healthy, persistent hot and dry weather coupled with the high water demands of summer can quickly impact water supply. Simple steps, like reducing lawn and landscape watering, go a long way in preserving our water supplies and avoiding the necessity of significant restrictive measures.”

Current water demands are being met and New Jersey’s water systems are capable of handling periods of low precipitation. Reservoir levels are near long-term averages for this time of year and groundwater supplies are near normal, with the central and southern portions of the state tending to be drier. Local conditions can vary, so it is normal for individual water systems and municipalities to periodically request that their customers reduce water use.

The DEP will continue to monitor water supplies very closely and advise the public, local governments, and water systems as appropriate. For a DEP microsite on water conservation measures visit  opens in a new window

The most up-to-date information about the status of New Jersey’s water supplies can be found at  opens in a new, where you can also find more water conservation tips for your community.

Other government and academic institutions also prepare drought-related indices and maps. One well-known example is the  opens in a new windowUS Drought Monitor, which defines drought more broadly than DEP. These other resources may suggest drought or pre-drought conditions are present before actual water supplies are technically determined to be below normal by DEP’s Division of Water Supply and Geoscience.

Murphy Administration Encourages New Jersey Residents And Businesses To Conserve Water2022-10-13T14:43:56-04:00

Bicycle Safety Clinic Scheduled for August 8th

July 29, 2022

On Monday, August 8th, Stone Harbor Recreation, along with the Stone Harbor Police Department, will be hosting a Bicycle Safety Clinic at the 81st Street Recreation Fields. The event will be held from 9:00 am – 10:00 am. Register at or call Stone Harbor Recreation at 609-368-1210 for reserve your spot!

Bicycle Safety Clinic Scheduled for August 8th2022-08-26T08:59:02-04:00

Dangers of Digging Large Holes on Beaches

July 22, 2022 – A message from the Department of Public Works

One popular activity for beachgoers is digging holes in the sand. Kids can even buy tiny little shovels and pails and pretend they’re utility workers excavating broken water lines. But burrowing into sand isn’t as harmless as you might think.

Aside from collapsing sand that can threaten the life of those digging the hole, our staff rakes the beach during “off” hours so you can enjoy our wonderful beaches.  If the beach rake falls into a hole accidently, serious injury to our staff can occur, as well as cause damage to our equipment.  Additionally, digging deep holes such as these exposes pilings and other buried infrastructure and threatens everyone’s safety.

Digging holes in the sand is great family fun.  But please remember for the safety of your loved ones, our employees and the public at large, never dig deeper than the knees of the smallest person in your group and always fill the holes in when your beach day is over.  Thank you!

Dangers of Digging Large Holes on Beaches2023-05-02T13:26:41-04:00

Access to Stone Harbor Beaches, including Stone Harbor Point, is Prohibited From Any Watercraft

July 21, 2022 – For immediate release.


In recent weeks, the governing body of the Borough of Stone Harbor has become apprised of an increasing number of calls and complaints related to the presence of boaters, swimmers, and beachgoers at the Point. The Borough of Stone Harbor Police Department has responded to numerous calls regarding the same and made best efforts to adequately enforce the Borough Code while recognizing the rights of said boaters, swimmers and beachgoers.

As many of our residents and visitors alike are aware, the Point is one of New Jersey’s most important bird habitats and premiere East Coast shorebird migration stopover areas. The area is subject to a conservation easement and conservation plan to protect this this dynamic shoreline habitat.

Specifically, the calls and complaints have addressed watercraft that are anchoring and/or mooring near the shoreline and accessing the beaches at the Point from the water. The Borough’s environmental stewards, who oversee and monitor the wildlife and activity at the point, have communicated that the accessing of the Point beaches from the water is directly disturbing the wildlife sanctuaries and ecosystems that the Borough has long sought to protect.

While the Borough does not seek to unnecessarily restrict or restrain the rights of the boating community, the beach-going community and all others that enjoy the habitat and splendor of the Point and the public waterways, it must balance the same with health, safety and environmental concerns. Beyond the disturbance to the protected area, the act of accessing the beach by way of any watercraft is a potentially hazardous activity, and the location of the Point relative to emergency services renders rapid response difficult, if not impossible.

Accordingly, in balancing those interests, the Borough has determined it necessary to prohibit individuals from accessing the beaches of the Borough, inclusive of the Point, from any watercraft, power driven or otherwise. Said regulation does not prohibit the use of watercraft as permitted elsewhere in the Borough Code. Watercraft operators are free to continue to utilize and enjoy the waterways surrounding the Point but are not permitted to access the beach from the water.

We appreciate the cooperation and understanding of all impacted as the Borough continues to promote its precious natural resources while protecting the same.

Access to Stone Harbor Beaches, including Stone Harbor Point, is Prohibited From Any Watercraft2022-07-26T16:56:24-04:00

New Hours for the Trash & Recycling Convenience Center

July 15, 2022

Effective immediately, hours for the Stone Harbor Public Works Trash & Recycling Convenience Center have changed. New Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – Noon

Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Trash and Recycling Convenience Center is OPEN DAILY for residential drop off at the Municipal Marina Parking Lot. Entrance is on the 300 block of 80th Street.

The Convenience Center is for household trash and recyclables ONLY, no bulk or brush/yard debris will be accepted.

New Hours for the Trash & Recycling Convenience Center2022-11-02T14:08:08-04:00

Trash Collection Changes Effective July 11th

July 7, 2022

Please be advised that in accordance with Borough Ordinance No 1608, DPW personnel cannot enter into fenced yards with either pools or pets to collect trash and recycle bins, effective on July 11, 2022.

We request that you place your trash and recycling cans outside the fenced areas on the morning of your regular trash day to be collected by DPW Personnel. The cans will be returned to the location that you placed them.

The Solid Waste Convenience Center, located at the Stone Harbor Municipal Marina, is also available for your use seven days a week.

opens in a new windowView entire ordinance here

Trash Collection Changes Effective July 11th2023-02-23T14:22:48-05:00

Beach and Point Now Accessible from 123rd Street Lot

June 7, 2022

The Stone Harbor Department of Public Works is pleased to announce that repairs to the storm damage at the Point are now complete. The 123rd Street lot is open and access to the beach and Point is available for pedestrians.

Beach and Point Now Accessible from 123rd Street Lot2022-08-26T08:59:26-04:00

TEMPORARY CLOSURE: No Access To Beach And Point From 123rd Street Lot

Stone Harbor, June 24, 2022

Please note that from 7:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 28th through 3:30 p.m., Friday, July 1st, access to the beach and the Stone Harbor Point from the 123rd Street Parking Lot will be closed to pedestrians and ALL vehicles while our Public Works crew makes repairs to the storm damage incurred at the Point.

The Point will be completely closed to all pedestrians and vehicles from June 28th to July 8th for public safety.

A large portion of the 123rd Street lot will be open temporarily from July 2nd – 4th, for parking and pedestrian access to the beach, only. The Point will remain closed.

On July 5th – 8th the lot will completely close again to continue the repairs. We apologize for any inconvenience as we make these necessary repairs.

TEMPORARY CLOSURE: No Access To Beach And Point From 123rd Street Lot2022-08-26T08:59:39-04:00
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