By sub­mit­ting this form to the Borough of Stone Harbor, I am agree­ing to par­tic­i­pate in the Emer­gency Tele­phone Con­tact Pro­gram. I accept, under­stand and agree that this is a vol­un­tary pro­gram admin­is­tered at the sole dis­cre­tion of the Bor­ough with no guar­an­tees, war­ran­tees or promises of any kind made by the Bor­ough to me or my fam­ily or busi­ness and that the Bor­ough may occa­sion­ally test the sys­tem at the Borough’s sole dis­cre­tion. I accept, under­stand and agree that the Borough of Stone Harbor owes no oblig­a­tion to me, my fam­ily or busi­ness as a result of my par­tic­i­pa­tion in this pro­gram and I herby waive any claim or cause of action what­ever nature and when­ever occur­ring as against the Borough of Stone Harbor, its offi­cials, employ­ees, agents and/or vol­un­teers that may in any way relate to this program.