Stone Harbor Police Department
Thomas J. Schutta, Chief of Police
Christopher A. Palmer, Captain of Police
Maureen Jackson, Administrative Assistant
For Emergencies, dial 9-1-1
609-368-2111 – Non-Emergencies
609-368-4162 – Facsimile
609-368-1455 – Police Administration/Records
609-368-1430 – Administration Facsimile
Email us at
The Borough of Stone Harbor is served by an outstanding police department committed to protecting the health, safety, and property of all citizens; providing miscellaneous services; and the vigilant enforcement of all criminal and non-criminal statutes and ordinances consistent with the United State Constitution, NJ Attorney General Guidelines, and Cape May County Police Chiefs’ Policy. The department consists of seventeen full time sworn officers, one administrative assistant, and one clerk. Additionally, approximately sixteen officers are hired to serve during the summer season.
Stone Harbor Police Department EMPLOYMENT
The Borough of Stone Harbor is an Equal Opportunity Employer
The Stone Harbor Police Department employs police officers, an administrative assistant, and a clerk. Job Announcements are posted on as needed basis on
The Stone Harbor Police Department employs Special Law Enforcement Officers on a part-time basis. Special Law Enforcement Officers are employed from mid May through mid September and work at least 40 hours per week during that period. Special Law Enforcement Officers are classified as Class I and Class II.
The Class I officer is typically 18-19 years of age with an interest in a law enforcement career. The position requires two weeks of training from a New Jersey Police Training Commission Certified Police Academy. Duties include parking/ordinance enforcement, traffic direction, and crowd control. Job Announcements can be found at or please call (609)368-1455 for more information.
The Class II officer completes seven weeks of training, carries a firearm and performs similar duties to those of a regular officer. Information regarding job postings can be found on or please call (609)368-1455 for more information.
Special Law Enforcement Officers must meet the following criteria:
- 18 Years of Age
- Favorable Background Check
- Favorable Medical Examination
- Favorable Psychological Profile (Class II Only)
- Favorable Drug Screening
- Successful Completion of Police Academy (7 weeks for Class II officers; 2 weeks for Class I officers)
For More Information Please call (609)368-1455.
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