Cynthia Lindsay, Chief Financial Officer, Qualified Purchasing Agent
The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for municipal budgeting, revenue administration, bond issuance, investments, payroll, purchase order encumbrances and the payment of bills, the maintenance of all financial records.
Jen Tracy, Payroll
Phone Number: (609) 368-6808
Fax Number: (609) 368-3705
Municipal Budget Section
opens in a new window2024 Adopted Budget
opens in a new window2024 Budget Presentation
opens in a new window2024 Introduced Budget
opens in a new window2023 Municipal Budget- Adopted and Introduced
opens in a new window2022 Adopted Budget
November 2, 2021 Budget Review Administration, Borough Clerk, Tax Assessor, Tax Collector, Finance, Construction, Planning, Zoning, Tourism & Natural Resources
opens in a new window2021 Municipal Budget Adopted
opens in a new window2021 SUMMARY BUDGETS
opens in a new window2020 Municipal Budget Adopted and Introduced
opens in a new window2020 Budget Presentation
opens in a new window2019 Municipal Budget as Introduced and Adopted
opens in a new window2018 Budget Presentation
opens in a new window2018 User Friendly Budget
opens in a new window2018 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2017 User Friendly Budget
opens in a new window2017 Municipal Budget as introduced
opens in a new windowAdministration and Finance Other Expenses Departmental Requests 2017
opens in a new windowPublic Works Other Expenses Departmental Request 2017
opens in a new windowWater Sewer Other Expenses Departmental Request 2017
opens in a new window2016 User Friendly Budget
opens in a new window2016 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2015 Municipal Budget Adopted
opens in a new window2013 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2012 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2011 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2010 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2009 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2008 Municipal Budget as introduced and adopted
opens in a new window2023 Audit
opens in a new window2023 Audit Presentation
opens in a new window2022 Audit
opens in a new window2021 Audit
opens in a new window2020 Audit
opens in a new window2019 Audit
opens in a new window2018 Audit
opens in a new window2017 Audit
opens in a new window2016 Audit
opens in a new window2015 Audit
opens in a new window2014 Audit
opens in a new window2013 Audit
Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2023 Annual Financial Statements
opens in a new window2022 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2021 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2020 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2019 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2018 Annual Financial Statement
2017 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2016 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2015 Annual Financial Statement
opens in a new window2014 Annual Financial Statement
Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2024 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2023 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2022 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2021 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2020 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2019 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2018 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2017 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2016 Annual Debt Statement
opens in a new window2015 Annual Debt Statement
Supplemental Debt Statement