May 10, 2022
Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, along with the Army Corps of Engineers is making significant progress with the Beach Replenishment project. According to the latest reports, the Avalon portion of the beach fill is expected to be finished by the evening of May 11th or the morning of May 12th.
Currently, the contractor is working on completing the pipeline which comes ashore in the area of Stone Harbor’ s 90th Street beach to the location of the booster pump, which is approximately 17,600 feet away. The booster pump will be located approximately a half-mile offshore, located at 31st Street.
After the sand pumping to Avalon is complete, the dredge will head to Cape May for preventive maintenance. Meanwhile, grading and de-mobilizing will continue in Avalon, and preparations will be made for mobilizing to Stone Harbor.
The project team is still anticipating a start date of May 21st for the Stone Harbor portion of the beach replenishment project. With this progress, the Borough of Stone Harbor can look forward to an improved beach experience for its residents and visitors this summer.