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July 12, 2023: Dredge Repair and Beach Nourishment Update

July 12, 2023

Repairs to the dredge should be completed this evening and pumping of sand should resume around 9pm tonight. The exact timeframe may vary slightly, but sand pumping should restart later today.

July 12, 2023: Dredge Repair and Beach Nourishment Update2023-07-31T14:12:09-04:00

July 11, 2023: Daily Beach Nourishment Update – Dredge is Currently Down for Repairs

July 11, 2023


  • Beach is closed at 121st Street for beach nourishment operations.
  • All beaches are guarded
  • 123rd Street parking lot is open
  • Most advanced basket discharge station: 121st Street
  • Subline landing in Stone Harbor at 91st Street

–  Currently, the Dredge, Texas, remains in Cape May Inlet for repairs. The Booster is onsite waiting for repairs to the dredge to be completed.

– GLDD estimates the repairs and tow back to the borrow area is expected as early as Thursday and no later than Saturday.

– Dredge, Texas, pumped approximately 1,141 CY onto beach on 7/10/23 from 0000 hours to 2400 hours; total placed on beach to date (7/10/23, 2400 hours): 580,112 CY, 79.06 % complete (per GLDD).

– Dredge, Texas, pumped approximately 0 CY onto beach on 7/10/23 from 0000 hours to 0700 hours.

July 11, 2023: Daily Beach Nourishment Update – Dredge is Currently Down for Repairs2023-07-31T14:11:44-04:00

Experimental Concept For Safeguarding Beach-Nesting Birds to be Installed at Stone Harbor Point

July 10, 2023

Protecting Beach-Nesting Birds at the Point!

This week the United States Department of Agriculture, and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA & APHIS) is experimenting a new non-lethal, initiative to safeguard migratory birds nesting at the Point from predators.

This new concept, Fladry, consists of a line of eye-catching flagging that serves as a barrier, dissuading predators from entering the area and reducing the risk to our precious bird colonies.

Fladry has successfully deterred mammalian predators in Europe for several decades. Now, for the first time in New Jersey, APHIS is experimenting with Fladry as a protective measure for our beach-nesting birds.

Your cooperation matters, and we kindly request your support and understanding in this endeavor. If you come across the lines and red flags that are part of the Fladry system at Stone Harbor Point this week, please refrain from approaching or disturbing them.

As this is the first implementation of Fladry by APHIS in New Jersey, we’re still learning about its effectiveness specifically for beach-nesting birds. We appreciate your patience and understanding while determining the system’s success. Our goal is that the non-lethal dissuasion method will protect the bird colonies without harming any animals.
Jenny Olson
Director of Tourism and Public Information
Borough of Stone Harbor
609-368-5102 x 340
Experimental Concept For Safeguarding Beach-Nesting Birds to be Installed at Stone Harbor Point2024-02-15T09:29:27-05:00

Daily Beach Nourishment Update, July 10, 2023

July 10, 2023

Daily Beach Nourishment Update, July 10, 2023

  • Currently beaches from 121st Street through 123rd Street are closed due to beach nourishment operations.
  • The protected beach at 122nd Street is closed (no lifeguards)
  • Most advanced basket discharge station: 121st Street
  • The Dredge, Texas, is being towed from Townsends Inlet into Cape May Inlet for repairs.
  • The Booster is onsite waiting for repairs to the dredge, Texas, to be completed in Cape May Inlet. GLDD did not give an estimate for when the repairs and tow back to the borrow area is expected
  • Subline landing in Stone Harbor at 91st Street
  • Dredge Texas pumped approximately 10,598 CY onto beach on 7/9/23 from 0000 hours to 2400 hours; total placed on beach to date (7/9/23, 2400 hours): 578,971 CY, 79.00 % complete (per GLDD).
  • Dredge Texas pumped approximately 1,141  CY onto beach on 7/10/23 from 0000 hours to 0700 hours
Daily Beach Nourishment Update, July 10, 20232023-07-31T09:43:19-04:00

July 9, 2023: Beach Nourishment Update and Beach Closures (121st St. through 122nd St.)

July 9, 2023

Daily Beach Nourishment Update and Beach Closures:

  • Currently Beaches are Closed from 121st to 122nd streets for beach nourishment operations.
  • Protected Beach closed at 122nd Street
  • Most advanced basket discharge station: 121st Street
  • The Dredge, Texas, and Booster are on site waiting for repairs to the air valve on the float hose, repairs are being done in CM Inlet. GLDD estimates the repairs and tow back to TI with reconnection to the dredge to be mid-afternoon early evening.
  • Subline landing in Stone Harbor at 91st Street
  • Dredge, Texas, pumped approximately 27,234CY onto beach on 7/8/23 from 0000 hours to 2400 hours; total placed on beach to date (7/8/23, 2400 hours): 568,373 CY, 77.55 % complete (per GLDD).
  • Dredge Texas pumped approximately 0 CY onto beach on 7/9/23 from 0000 hours to 0700 hours.
July 9, 2023: Beach Nourishment Update and Beach Closures (121st St. through 122nd St.)2023-07-31T09:42:58-04:00
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